Natacha Dauphin is the author of two books, Letters from the Wound and, You Are the Medicine.
She is also a sound channel, soul whisperer, intuitive guide, singer-songwriter, player of medicine drums and shruti boxes.
She grew up speaking French and English in Provence, France.
She loves walking in nature, dipping her feet in the sea, drinking coffee, stroking cats, eating fresh figs off the tree. She adores the moon, the scent of flowers, colourful notebooks, receiving and writing letters and … massive hugs.
She strongly dislikes being accused of something she hasn’t said or done, frowns at the smell of fishy fish and at the sight of dodgy politicians. But most of all, she hates being told what to do (apart from when she is feeling very indecisive!).
She believes her craft is a bridge between worlds, that the words in her books were sent as letters from her ancestors, the life around her, and spirit. She feels she is here to help anchor the sacred back onto Earth.
She also believes in miracles, creativity, and the power of the human heart.
Her work and creations are an attempt to capture life’s offerings and mysteries as well as a wish to inspire and help others remember their magic, recognize and honour, their own inner flame and follow their dreams. She is passionate about empowering people to choose to co-create their life rather than endure it, while sharing their unique medicine.

You can find her here – Links to website, social media & books
- www.natachadauphin.com
- https://www.instagram.com/natachadauphin/
- https://www.facebook.com/natachadauphinauthorsoundchannel/
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/honouryourcreativefireandvoice/
- https://www.amazon.co.uk/Natacha-Dauphin/e/B085CFB399/
- https://www.amazon.com/Natacha-Dauphin/e/B085CFB399/
Thank you for stopping by.
I am so excited to continue the next chapter of this adventure with you and hope you will find this space inspiring, nourishing and helpful.
After having somewhat ‘hidden’ for years it is time to be, allow, welcome and celebrate all that is. I am therefore sharing my medicine with you – my wanderings, thoughts, songs, videos, photographs… my ‘findings’, my ‘getting losts’ and some yummy offerings for you to dive into and guide you on your way to your authentic you, to your fire and hopefully spark you into sharing your own gifts with the world !!!
May the impulse to attend your inner spark give you permission to do ‘your thing’. May it take you on a journey of playful exploration and creative weaving – beyond your imagination.
Reach out if you need support, I am here for you.