Songs videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Sweet Fear’ – original song and video

“I sit with you sweet fear
I sit with all you hold dear
The labels, the threats appear
To support and fund your life here

But I won’t stand in fear my dear
Those days are gone 
Let’s make it clear

Sit with me sweet fear
Have a glass and disappear
There’s no one to save here
No one to trap inside your sphere….”

Today, I saw my first butterfly. It was beautiful and despite one of its wings being damaged, it gracefully flew away after a few minutes blessing me with its presence.

The transition between winter and spring seems to have been playing ping pong but one thing is for sure, the days are getting longer, the daffodils are dancing in the wind and the cherry blossoms are displaying their breathtaking elegance.

The song and video above are a little reminder to not try and escape fear; for when we do that, we give it the power we so long to have over it. Instead, this is an invitation to befriend it, to thank it for its concern and wish to protect us, to reassure it that we are fine, to wave it goodbye and to step into the arena of our life-whatever that means for each one of us.

Stepping out of our comfort zone is one of the best ways to show life that we trust it, it is one of the most worthwhile contracts we can sign with our soul and the most terrifying but exciting way we can encourage our heart to grow. Just like snow drops pierce their way through the snow, we can show up for ourselves, for our dreams, visions and life at any given moment. Start NOW.

The new moon is approaching, ready to bless your new intentions, projects, wishes and commitments.

I send you much love and I am cheering you on ?

Natacha x

Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Je pars’-original song and video

Vidéo créée, chanson écrite, composée et interpétée par Natacha Dauphin en hommage à Patrick Bagarry qui nous a tragiquement quittés il y a un an.
Il y a des personnes comme ça qui touchent des milliers de vies sans s’en rendre compte, qui amènent du soleil sans s’en rendre compte. Patrick était une de ces personnes.
Et malgré le fait que je n’habite plus à Aups, j’ai grandi avec la présence de Patrick partout dans le village.
Pour tous ceux qui ont eu la chance de croiser son chemin, il est parti bien trop tôt.
Par cette chanson je lui envoie tout mon amour, ainsi qu’à sa famille.
On a tous différentes façons de gérer le deuil et toutes les émotions qui s’y rattachent. Moi j’écris des chansons….

“Je pars
Dans le silence
Je pars
Sans révérence
Je pars
Vers l’innocence
Je pars
Si la vie m’entend
Je voudrais lui dire
Prend soin de mes enfants
Prend soin de mes parents
Tous vos hurlements
Qui me viennent
Portés par le vent
Qui m’entraine
Maintenant c’est votre peine que je ressens
Elle est dans vos coeurs
Dans vos veines
Cette douleur
Comme un anathème
Je veux la prendre
Et jamais vous la rendre
Et vos larmes
Belles, fragiles, vulnérables
Vos seules armes
Face à un monde cruel
Un vide hostile
J’aurais voulu être plus
J’aurais voulu ne pas être
Celui qui fait naître
Tant de larmes
Tous vos hurlements
Qui me viennent
Portés par le vent
Qui m’entraine
Maintenant c’est votre peine que je ressens
Elle est dans vos coeurs
Dans vos veines
Cette douleur
Comme un anathème
Je veux la prendre
Et jamais vous la rendre
Que comme mes cendres
Elle se disperse
Qu’au lieu d’attendre
Elle disparaisse
Et ne laisse
qu’une trace d’amour”

Songs videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘The Echoes of Stars’-original song/video

Dear friends,

Following my previous post, I have needed to retreat in my cave and tune into all the grief and losses I have experienced this last year so that I could truly witness, acknowledge and honour the feelings with an open heart and find a way of moving forward.

So yes I have felt deeply and it was overwhelming at times. However, this process has allowed me to tap into even more gratitude for what is and more awe for the life that has been given to me. To feel loss means we have connected deeply. To accept what cannot be changed means we are neither fighting ourselves or the universe – which is such extremely liberating, to say the least !

So here in my cave, there were moments of inertia and feelings of drowning but also moments of revelation and light.

Today I want to share my song ‘The Echoes of Stars’ that I posted a couple weeks ago on my youtube channel. I had so much fun making this video. I hope you enjoy to too.

“Come and dance with me
Swirl, fire burn,
Echoes of dreams calling, calling, calling
Fields of gold growing
Then the dance…

Trust the space inside
Swirl, fire burn
Echoes of stars falling, falling , falling
Fields of gold glowing
Then the dance…

Melt the fences defences
Swirl, fire burn
Echoes of freedom soaring, soaring, soaring
Fields of gold flowing
Then the dance…”

So will you come and dance with me?….

photos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

Grief, My Faithful Friend

Grief, My Faithful Friend, I bow to you

November’s magical full moon looking after us …

The power of grief strikes in mysterious ways.

Deep sadness and longing.

Connection and separation.


Layer upon layer

Undressing our concepts of reality,

Repainting the limits of  pre-established horizons.

The veil grows thinner and thicker, thicker and thinner

as the winds of change caress our soul.

Our heartbeat aches for a whisper, a hand, a laughter no longer here.

As I slip into the velvet feeling of your presence and existence,

The sweet scent of a golden memory

Catches my spirit and brings me back to the ‘no beginnings, no ends’.

Time stops and stretches simultaneously.

And I know,

I know that I am but a keeper of the eternal flame.

– with deepest love and gratitude for you Karen, beautiful friend and fellow seeker… I am beyond blessed to have shared some of this earthly journey with you. Shine bright star, shine…

Songs videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Flow, Feel, Fly’ – original song video & more!


I survived my first official dislike on youtube! Hurray !!!

And you know what, it wasn’t that bad. It was quite funny actually to observe myself and see how my brain was trying to make sense of this small ‘INconvenience’!

Going through the full spectrum of thoughts in just a few seconds:

-Shock : ‘Oh NOOOO someone must really hate my song and video so much that they go to the trouble of pushing the dislike button…”

-Self criticism: “You must be shit at this Natacha, definitely not good enough… Who do you think you are posting stuff on here?” Etc…

-Disbelief/attempt to feel OK about it: “Hang on a minute, someone must have pushed that dislike button by mistake while trying to push the like button on the small screen of their phone. That would explain it.”

-Looking for whys: “They probably have issues, childhood traumas blablabla…”

But really… what it comes down to is: Someone just didn’t like what I created. And so what!?

I am relieved I could genuinely witness myself and laugh at the whole thing. I now know at a deeper level that fear will not stop me from showing up and that I will never compromise on being myself no matter what people think – which you have to admit is a pretty big revelation for such a small ‘thumb down’?

This gives me hope and wings for the future. The truth is, when you put yourself out there, you are going to push people’s buttons, you are going to be disliked. And that is totally fine.

I am happy that the reasons why you would go and judge someone else’s creation with negativity are beyond me and that I would rather put my energy into creating something, supporting someone’s gifts than putting someone else’s offerings down. Unfortunately there is a lot of this destructive kind of behaviour (to much bigger degrees) in this world.  Because let’s face it, as people, we can be a bit screwed up.

But what I do know is that there are more kind, caring, supportive people than the ones who will spend their time judging and criticising your brave creative input in this world.

So here is THE song video.

You can read the lyrics and more about the song and video once you click on it – and see the text below the video on youtube ;o)

What are you going to put out into this wild world today?

With much love, as always

You can subscribe to my youtube channel here: ?





photos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

Dare My Dear

Dare  my dear –

Dare to be

Dare to feel

Dare to show up

Dare to connect

Dare to fall

Dare to commit

Dare to reach out

Dare to allow

Dare to expand

Dare to shine

Dare to shake

Dare to dance

Dare to scream

Dare to be wild and howl.

Dare to embrace the path that is in tune with your soul’s calling and heart .

You can do this.

You are never alone and always guided.


Songs videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Rock with Me’ – Original Song video

I am really excited to announce that I will be more present on this blog very soon. Many seeds have been planted and projects are emerging which I will tell you about in my next post.

In the meantime I have a song video I posted on youtube a few weeks ago which I haven’t shared with you here and want to share with you now :O) So here it is. With much love always ????

Original song and video by Natacha Dauphin with medicine drum, Tibetan bowl and voice.
Grief takes you to strange places – some difficult places, some beautiful places. This summer I played my drum until its soothing heart beat reached mine and brought me comfort. I felt my dear friend Keith by my side and inside my own heart. And this song came – with this phrase over and over again “Rock with Me…”
…. I rocked until the tears stopped flowing.
The footage is a big mixture of clips I have taken over the last few months. The gnome sculpture from a garden in Gloucestershire, umbrellas in Coppergate in York, the High Force waterfall in the Dales, the candle from a Diwali Festival, me on the swing in the middle of nowhere on a walk in the Dales (Thank you to Jonathan Tapp for filming this one), The Tree full of ribbons and colourful pieces of cloth in Lithuania.
Writing on a bench in Rowntree park in York (Thank you Jeanne Chanet Garcia for filming this one)

“Rock with me
‘Till our loving tears are set free
Rock with me
‘Til you feel my heart in yours beat
Rock with me
For as long as you need
Rock with me
I am gone but I will never leave
I am with you, always
I will never leave
I am with you, always
I will never leave
I’m holding you tight
Lifting you up – higher
Into all forms of being
I’m holding you tight
Holding you tight
Separation’s far from real
Hear me
I am with you, always
I will never leave
I am with you, always
I will never leave
Rock with me
Through those dreary days and rough sea
Rock with me
‘Til you feel my spirit laugh and be
Rock with me
For as long as you need
Rock with me
I am gone but I will never leave
I am with you always
I will never leave
I am with you always
I will never leave
I’m holding you tight
Lifting you up
Holding you tight…”

If you feel called to subscribe to my channel, that would be lovely ;o):

Songs Uncategorized videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Twisted Reality’ – Original song/video


They carry on their journey as if they were kings and queens ruling the world – and yet there is nothing royal or noble about them. They simply live absorbed in themselves and prisoners of their own created image and cage.

The mist can be thick, the fog suffocating and yet the piercing eyes of the heart will break through any illusion, any “twisted reality”.

I invite you to look beyond the veil – both within and around you.

Notice what emerges, what just is. Resist the temptation to grip, to judge, to fix. Simply allow the dance of all that is to find its own rhythm, its own flow. Allow yourself to be blessed by the power of movement and the grace of stillness.

I invite you to enter your sacred temple of darkness and light. It is filled with colours.

Yes darkness and light share the same house and have made it a rainbow HOME. They are not at war; they have never been. They are simply in love.

Start putting an end to the wars inside you by no longer supplying the weapons… Breathe, feel the ecstasy of full presence and openness in this very moment. It all starts here, now.

Rise from the truth of your being into the sacred flame of the universe.

You are made of magic. Truly.


“Turn down the light
Switch off the radio,
Give up the fight,
Soften, surrender, let go

Twisted reality
Finding new ways to be
Amongst the flowers
Amongst the weeds
Amongst the wasted seeds

My fire burns on
Stronger today
Winds in my sails

Twisted reality
Finding new ways to be
Amongst the flowers
Amongst the weeds
Amongst the wasted seeds

My fire burns on
Stronger today
Winds in my sails

That dreadful morning
When all grew still and quiet
I should have given up
Instead I chose to rise

Between the shadows
Between what’s left and gone
I could have given up
Instead I chose to rise

Twisted reality
Finding new ways to be
Amongst the flowers
Amongst the weeds
Amongst the wasted seeds

My fire burns on
Stronger today
Winds in my sails”

Songs videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘The Spirits Are Calling Now’ – Original song/video

The drums called me home a while back. They whispered, sang, howled, and beat until I listened. I don’t know where home is but I do know that there, there is a drum. A drum beating to the rhythm of my own heart, to the rhythm of the earth, to the light of the stars, to the dance of the whole universe.

My original song and video  ‘The Spirits Are Calling Now’ to share the journey with you. (Most of the footage I filmed in Lithuania while making my medicine/shamanic drum)

“Do da han de du dan do…

Within the womb of the world
Most precious jewel – a hidden pearl

Rising from the deep well
Rising within each cell, Hmmm

Within the bones
Within the stones
Present with every breath
With every death

The spirits are rising now
The spirits are calling now, Hmmm

Do da han de du dan do…”

Songs videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Des Pluies d’Anges’ – original song/video

Je suis super contente d’enfin publier une de mes chansons en français sur ma chaîne youtube.
I am super excited to post a song in French on my youtube channel ;o)
The literal translation is ‘Rains of Angels’. The song first came to me with many nonsense words; a few of which I have kept. I didn’t mean it to be a song about Mandela but somehow his presence found its way in so I welcomed it :O)
Footage is from Whitby (stones, see water, rocks, cliffs), the clouds are from the plane over France, the tree roots and lake in Bauduen, France, the moon in Aups, the green bits from the little lake in Rowntree’s park in York. I am singing and playing in our front room in York!!!

“E namana kolo, e namana kolo, e nama kolo

Je viens du ciel, du désert
Je viens d’où tout est mystère
Je viens des entrailles de la terre

De pluies d’anges
De forêts de grand-pères
D’une lune qui change
De forêts de grand-mères

Ah Mandela, ah Mande….

D’une poussière d’étoiles
D’un rayon de soleil
D’une étincelle d’histoire
D’un brin de lumière

Ou di anda….

Je viens du ciel, du désert
Je viens d’où tout est mystère
Je viens des entrailles de la terre”


” I come from the sky, I come from the desert
I come from where all is mystery
I come from the bowels of the earth

I come from rains of angels
From the forests of grand fathers and grandmothers
From a moon that ever changes

I come from star dust
From a ray of sun
from a spark of history
from a glimpse go light….”