Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

Beautiful Spring

“Perhaps, I can collect the seeds, once the flower has wilted…”

‘Letters from the Wound’, Natacha Dauphin

As we are mostly cooped up inside, the world outside is bursting with colour, vibrancy and fragrance. Mother Nature is doing her thing in the most ordinary and yet in the most extraordinary ways. I will never cease to be in complete awe of her talents, wisdom, courage and generosity.

For many, this lockdown and virus provide a newly acquired lens through which to look at oneself and one’s life. It is an opportunity to reevaluate what really matters, to experience how things can be different if we do not get caught in the hamster wheel, if we become more aware, and brave enough to live the life we want to live and are deserving of living.

In quietness and spaciousness there is room for expansion, recalibration and of course rebirth. Despite the difficulties, inconveniences and genuine losses a lot of us are experiencing, I do believe that if we can rise to see all this from a higher perspective and wider lens, we will observe and trust that there is a bigger shift and gift orchestrated by life itself taking place.

We could not have carried on much longer sleepwalking the way we were as a human race.

My wish is for this time to plant the seeds inside each one of us to rekindle our hearts and awaken the infinite callings of our souls.

My prayer is that we can, at last, grasp the true meaning of connection – to self, to the other, to Mother Earth, to the universe and take inspired action from a place of love, respect, honouring and celebration.

When my book ‘Letters from the Wound’ came out at the end of February, I could not foresee what was about to manifest on this planet and yet the entire book is an invitation to retune, to reestablish a connection to all that is.’Letters from the Wound’ is about coming back to what really matters and the importance of not abandoning oneself. It reminds us that we are “Divine beings having a human experience”, as a very wise person once said.

The Earth is sacred and we definitely do not own her. She is allowing us to be here. Let’s not forget and let’s start walking with more care, humility, gratitude and integrity.

We all have an active part to play. We all have our own medicine to sprinkle around with love.

It takes courage to show up in all that we are. Yet, there is no time left to pretend, there is no time left to play small.

You can be bold and gentle at the same time.

What will you do today to honour life and all that you are?

With much love, Natacha ?

PS: I took this picture by the river Ouse in York a couple of days ago.

By Natacha

This is me, excited to capture the mysteries, wonders of life through song, photo, video, writings - trying my best not to put them in a cage. Embracing darkness - for at her heart lie profound gifts, and allowing the light to shine through - for even in the most challenging moments, the flame is always lit.
I am French with Italian, Portuguese, Narragansett and probably a lot more of other spices blood!
l presently live in the UK where I work as a voice/singing teacher and therapist.
All songs, photos, writings, videos on this blog 'created' by myself unless otherwise stated.

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