Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

And the wheel turns

December has just pointed its nose and soon we will be blessed by the energy of the new moon and the total solar eclipse – on the 3rd/4th of Dec.

Big shifts, endings, new awareness, different priorities…

The cosmic, collective and individual intensity is palpable at the moment and many of us are feeling it – some of us experience extreme tiredness, confusion, need to reevaluate and some huge amounts of inspiration and drive.

As the ‘people world’ out there continues to get madder each day, the wind, cold, snow, trees shedding their last leaves remind us of the magical cycle of life and the sacred seasons that allow for all to come into place at the right time.

More than ever, I feel it is important to spend as much time as possible in nature. This is where the distortions, confusion and outside pressures have no place. This is where one can more easily fully drop into presence and be reminded of what truly is. This is where we are invited and encouraged to connect to source and reconnect to our own inner guidance and wisdom first and foremost. This is where we are reminded of the connection between all that is and the need to drop the illusion of separation.

So go into the woods if you can. Sit by a stream. Hug a tree. Play in the snow. Gaze at the stars. Jump into puddles. Get up for a sunrise. Walk a bit further to catch that sunset. Spend a few minutes sitting or lying on the ground. Speak to the Earth and listen to Her.

Also I wanted to let you know that there is an opportunity to work with me in a group setting online for 28 days starting on the 02/02/2022 from anywhere in the world by taking my ‘You Are the Medicine’ course. The group sessions will be held on Zoom each Wednesday. Plus you get an individual session that you can book for whenever you’d like (during or after the course). If you are seeking to to be supported and guided in remembering your magic, in finding your voice, in reclaiming your inner power and courage, in bringing sacred connection back into your life, in anchoring your wisdom here on earth, then do get in touch. We will be working holistically with voice, journeying, intuition, mindset and more.

Here is what a couple of people who have just done the program with me last month say about it:

“This course is absolutely incredible! Natacha is the most beautiful teacher and in a subtle and fun filled way she takes you on a life changing journey! I cannot recommend this highly enough if you really want to Find Your Voice and Discover Your Magic” N.H

“I am a little speechless to find the words to try & express what I want to say because it’s beyond words really, so much in a spiritual, energetic place that is breathtaking & beautiful, the place you have, through your gentle but powerful medicine helped me to find my connection to. My world seems to have another dimension to it. I can feel the glittering star nations & the beings that are trees, the roots, the earth. You helped me understand how to connect with that for myself. You released a long held trauma with your intuition & guidance. I am so thank ful, beyond words, for your precious being, that I was lucky enough to cross your path. Dear beautiful Natacha. Just now I got my piano out & just improvised and the sunset and the stars and butterflies were all there. I haven’t played for nearly 2 years! You did that. Dear beautiful soul.” – V.R

As I said, if you are interested, please reach out.

By email here: or here:

Or you can also book a free zoom chat with me to find out if this program is for you. You can do that directly at the bottom of the program’s page (link below) where you can also read more details about the course. There is a fancy timetable on there!

Note: Special offer on until the end of December:

‘Bring a friend and you both get 20% off the full contribution’

So treat yourself or/and someone for Xmas maybe? I am happy to make a pretty voucher for you ;o).

Also you get copies of both my books are complimentary gifts when you join the program.

I wish you all a beautiful December. May you find comfort and inspiration in the smallest of things.

With so much love, as always

Natacha x

Uncategorized Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

Happy Samhain

As we approach the sacred thinning of the veils, I would like to pop on here to wish you all a magical time of tuning into the mysterious, the mystical and the extra-ordinary.

This is a special time that supports us in connecting will all that is beyond time and space.

Allow yourself to just notice the little signs, the increase in synchronicities, the feelings, thoughts of loved passed ones, the dropping into connection with your ancestors.

Gift yourself and them the joy of celebration.

Celebrate in whatever way is meaningful to you – always with presence, gratitude and authenticity.


I also want to take this opportunity to let you know or remind you that you can still book a place on my new online program ‘You Are the medicine’ which starts on the New Moon, Nov 4th.

One of the reasons I am creating a holistic online group offering is so we get the opportunity to experience connection with all that is and break free from the delusional ways of seeing our lives and the world through the lenses of duality and separation.

I strongly believe that energy, spiritual and transformational work overrides the illusion of separation in time and space.

We are not powerless. We are powerful. More than we think.

The work we do on ourselves, the plugging back in, the reconnecting have profound effects on life itself.

Another reason I am creating this offering is that I am passionate about people remembering that they have more of a choice in how they live their life and what they put up with or not, than they are aware of.

Acceptance is a virtue but one does not have to put up with shit and things that betray us to the very core of our being.

Allow yourself to be who you truly are and allow yourself to shine.

We are the co-creators of our reality and until this begins to be experienced more, souls will keep being starved, bodies mistreated and hearts depressed.

Empowering yourself –

Reconnecting with your creative fire, your spark, your calling –

Having the courage to use your voice and show up authentically –

Will not only change things for you, it will have a profound effect on mother Earth and will bless all that you meet and whatever you put your energy into with more magic, gratitude and serenity.

Extract – page from my second book, You Are the Medicine.

The inner shifts likely to happen during our sacred time together will ripple into the world, bringing more currents of love, light and joy.

For that I am certain.

We start on Nov 4th.

Doors close on Monday, Dec 1st midnight UK time.

Discover ‘You Are the Medicine’ program here:

And get in touch to book your place or if you have any questions.

Sending you all much love and magical blessings,

Natacha x

Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

Show Up Today

We spend so much time trying to heal, working out why we might be like this or like that – focusing on finding out the answers, the whys in our past, adopting this label then the next to finally feel that we belong, that there is a reason we are struggling and in doing so we can easily watch our life pass by in front of our own eyes.

This truly does not work.

I know this may sound harsh or dramatic and I do not in any way dismiss the hugely impactful and traumatic experiences that shape us into who we are but I strongly believe that we have the power to live a fulfilling life and we all have gifts to share – all of us. But for this, we must reclaim our courage. Do things our own way while pouring more love in our vessel on a daily basis. Stop focusing on what we perceive as flaws and start embracing all that we are.

As I wrote in my first book Letters from the Wound,

“I carry

Within myself,


The wound,

And the new seed.”

And so do you.

For me, the key to stepping fully into our authentic selves starts with making the choice and commitment to walk this journey of unconditional self-love and self-acceptance, on a daily basis.

To truly start seeing the beauty of life within us – the darkness and the light.

This doesn’t just happen. We have to work at it, and renew this commitment again and again in order to transcend the limiting beliefs of the mind and obsolete programming that we still carry around.

Are we ever fully healed? Are we ever in a place that is perfect to take that particular step and reclaim all that we are? Probably not. I doubt it. I don’t know.

All I know is that I could have easily spent my whole life analysing my past (from this life and others), trying to fully understand it all from spiritual, psychological, holistic, physical etc perspectives because of course I find them all fascinating. I could have waited to feel fully healed, good enough, confident enough, worthy enough before showing up for my life. But then I would not have written 3 books, let alone published them. I would have not stepped into my gift as a voice and soul activator. I would have not sung on stage, run holistic voice workshops and courses, offered soul readings, intuitive guidance…

And most of all I would have not honoured the gift that has been given to me – life itself.

My series of 3 books, The Soul Letters You Never Received are here on Earth, filled with soul activations to support you on this journey of fully reclaiming your authentic self and life.

You can find them on Amazon Worldwide.

May they be of service to those of you who resonate with my medicine.

With much love, as always.

Photo: Veronica Tapp

Wonders, Wanderings & Writings


Dear Beautiful People,

I realise I haven’t written here since the Spring Equinox and now we are reaching the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.

I have been busy building a sacred community online, offering Intuitive Sound Journeys and Readings every week since the beginning of February.

If you are interested in being part of this beautiful circle you are very welcome to join. It is free and here is the link below.

It is slow building and magical. A bit like one of those special dishes you cook for hours on the wooden stove.

There is nothing quite like a cyclical growing and nurturing process.

I have also been spending a lot of time putting my first 2 books out there in the world. That’s what is is like when you are self published. If you don’t do the initial work yourself, it just won’t get done. No one else will do it for you. My hope is that in time, the books will gain enough momentum, others will start sharing them more, an organic growth will take place allowing it to not be so full on for me and giving time and space I can get on with the formatting of the 3rd and last volume of this series ‘Show Up Just As You Are’.

But in the meantime I am doing my best to make this part of it as creative and aligned as possible alongside working on my album project of original French songs.

If you have been meaning to get a or some copies but haven’t quite got around to it, here are a couple links:

I would highly recommend the paperbacks rather than the kindle version as they are yummy. They were also written to dip in and out of and can to be opened randomly for daily guidance and support.

PS: if you are in another country, just google the Amazon of your country and my name. The books should come up. (They are even available in Australia now)


On another note, I have a very exciting announcement to make, especially if you are in the UK:

An in person workshop/retreat!!!!!

Yeeessssssss, you heard me right!

OMG, this feels surreal after so long having to do things only online!

An inspired collaboration with Ali Bullivent to bring you:


– a full day, in person workshop in a beautiful garden.

(easily accessible from York, Leeds, Hull…)


We will be singing, sounding, journeying, drumming, moving – working in a sacred and fun way with our voice, body, energy.

A heart centred day of connection with self, others, spirit and mama Earth.

As a special treat, Ali has composed some chants and songs in parts with words from my second book ‘You Are the Medicine’ for you to learn.

It promises to be MAGIC.

Here is a little promo video Ali did of the stunning garden/grounds and you can also hear one of the original songs Ali has composed with words from ‘You Are the Medicine’ in the video.

Places limited and bookings are essential due to covid restrictions.

Please get in touch if you have any questions or would like to book.

More details on the poster.

Feel free to share with friends if you are called to.

Wishing you a smooth, magical and light filled Solstice Season.

With much love always xxx

Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

Happy Equinox

Dear Ones,

May you be blessed with renewed energy, hope and a sense of infinite possibility.

As you may know, if you read my last post here, I have just self-published my 2 books and have since been trying to share them with the world in one way or another. It is exciting and can also be quite exhausting. But somehow I feel a duty and responsibility towards these books. If I don’t try and share them, who will?

I was entrusted with these words, pieces, poems.

The Universe, Spirit, my Ancestors or whatever name you may like to use, poured thoughts, concepts, words of wisdom, nuggets of harmony, balancing bridges, through me – asking me to craft them in a way that would anchor them here on earth.

So I listen, played, crafted and worked, worked, worked until the gestation period came to an end and the books were ready.

Now part of the job is to show the world that these books exist so that whoever may need them, whoever may benefit from these creations in any way, may bump into them and have access to them.

I drew this card from The Sacred Creators oracle deck by Chris Anne today:

My books are available on Amazon Worldwide. Just look up my name if you are called to and the books should come up.

Walking this fine line between action and surrender is an art and I am still learning. So this is what I am reminding myself of tonight:

That by committing,
By putting the work in,
The path
To your manifested dreams
Is being paved.

You Are the Medicine, Vol 2 of The Soul Letters you Never Received.

You can see that this is where most of my energy is going at the moment, aside from voice teaching, mentoring, working on my album of 13 original French songs and of course my new facebook group where I show up live once a week to offer some sound journeys. (there is a link to the group in the menu here if you would like to join)

I send you all so much love, as always.

Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

New Books, Get Yours!

Dear friends,

I hope you are well and can sense spring arriving from wherever you are. There is definitely a different light, scent and energy piercing through at last – which feels like such a relief after the heaviness and stagnant waters!!!!

Let’s all breathe in some hope and spaciousness.

I haven’t written here for ages. I have been working hard on getting a second edition of my first book Letters from the Wound done and publishing volume 2 You Are the Medicine. They are both out now and available on Amazon worldwide. The plan is to sell enough copies on Amazon so that in time I will be able to find a great publisher and not have to go through Amazon!!!! Haha. But for now if you are interested in getting the book/s, please head to the Amazon in your country and grab yourself a paperback copy or 2. They are yummy and would make a great gift too – if I do say so myself.

It was quite a journey for me to redo volume 1. It basically brought up all my shit, a lot of emotions, fears, doubts, shame, frustration… And I had to dig deep to find the resources to follow through with it and not give up. I am so grateful and glad to have persevered and made it to the other side.

I won’t go into the details of why I decided to do a second edition here but in a nutshell I wasn’t entirely happy with a few things in the first one and wanted to start fresh so that there was coherence in the series, and the books felt more aligned with where I am at and what I want to offer (the content is the same as the first edition, just different cover, formatting, font).

I am super proud of how both books have turned out and I hope you will like them too. (I already have the cover for the 3rd volume ready – exciting! It is purple shhhhh)

✍🏽 The Soul Letters You Never Received is a 3-part series of short pieces – a journey of empowerment starting with embracing the darkness while marking the path with beacons of light and trust so that the lost pieces of the soul can be reclaimed and ultimately shared unapologetically. 

🧡 Letters from the Wound is Vol 1 of ‘The Soul Letters You Never Received’ series. It is a courageous exploration of the wound, its triggers and the darkest feelings one can experience as a human being while also revealing the undeniable truth that only by allowing oneself to feel all that emerges can one live an authentic and fulfilling life.

🌸 You Are The Medicine is Vol 2 of ‘The Soul Letters You Never Received’ series. It gently takes the readers to the mirror in which their own medicine is reflected and are reminded that their healing balm is, has always been, and will always be within them. It is a soft reawakening and nurturing of one’s inner power and beauty.


Other news is that I started a facebook group in which I offer a free live session every Monday evening – sound journeys, meditations, voice channeling, medicine drum, activations…. I am also setting up opportunities for others to share their medicine in the group. You are very welcome to join. Here is the link:

I send you all so much love, inner peace and joy,

Natacha xxx

Extract from You Are the Medicine 🌸


Exciting news

Dear All,

I hope you are transitioning as smoothly as you can into the more wintery season.What a powerful full moon and eclipse we had in the night!

As the world seems to get more and more bonkers each day, well at least on the surface, one has to be disciplined in making conscious choices regarding what to put one’s energy into and how to spend one’s precious time.

Is what I am doing, thinking, believing nourishing? Is it depleting? Have I given my inner power away or am I surrendering to a higher level of flow, focus and fierceness?

Am I shrinking or puffing myself up? ( both clever coping mechanism). Or am I standing in my truth and authenticity?

Am I responding with kindness in my heart towards myself, towards others and towards Mother Earth or seeing and relating through the lens of fear and judgement?

Am I leaving room for play, exploration, wonder and magic or being driven by the illusion that filling my time with doing doing doing will give me the feeling of being enough and worthy of love, of joy – forgetting that just being me makes me worthy of love.

I have come to the conclusion that a lot of this comes down to how aware I am and how connected am I, in this moment, to myself, nature and the universe?

So apart from a lot of reflecting and journaling, as always haha, one of the things I have been doing, after getting the nudge from spirit that now was the time, is to create various offerings for you and to present them to you online on a pretty page – because I like pretty pages!

After finishing running the voice programme I created and led, I started working behind the scenes on this project. As a result, exciting shifts have been made on this platform. You can now find a page called Offerings with some delicious options, bundles and opportunities to work with me if your soul is so called to.

I am here, available, to walk part of the journey with you.

Do go and check out the page. It even has buttons on it and a calendar to book a free chat with me if you have any questions.

I hope you will enjoy navigating through them.

Feel free to tell your friends and share the link to my website.

The light always shines somewhere…

With tons of love, as always,

Natacha x

Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

Nearly there…

Happy New Moon everyone. May your wishes and intentions bring light into your life and into this world.

Well I wanted to create a posh and proper page on here to advertise my ONLINE programme but you know what, it was all a bit too much, learning to do mail chimp, landing pages, opt-ins, and all sorts of technical things while trying to promote the course, follow the vision I had for it and create all the content from scratch, record sound journeys and meditations to send out every single week of the course, compile yummy pieces of writing to inspire, write out prompts to accompany the participants on their path and help them reconnect….

So I decided to drop the ‘trying to get the perfect page on my website’ and focus on the other things which seemed more important at this point! And… I am getting super excited to embark on this journey with beautiful souls!

So much of what I am sharing in this programme, I have lived, experienced, struggled with, come through, practised, taught over many years, in many different contexts.

For the first time I am bringing it all together, with my whole heart and soul, in this programme, with the hope of helping people ‘journey back from a fragmented self’ and come back home to who they truly are and why they are here on this planet.

We will be working with sound, voice, breath, energy, drum, movement, cycles, the elements, the seasons, mindset, mindfulness, meditation, ritual, play, creativity and more.

Some of the main themes we will be tackling in this holistic way are:

1. Reconnecting to self through your voice and energy

2. Re-igniting your creativity

3. Re-establishing your place and purpose in the world

4. Integrating the fragmented parts, the new self and newly acquired tools

5. Working out the next steps to move forward after the course and implement a more harmonious and aligned way of living

I am also moved and excited by the fact that I am finally fully stepping into my medicine and offering some channelled sound meditations, journeys, healings as part of the course. Wooohooo!

Welcome your authentic self back and share it with the world

At the time I am writing this, on Thursday the 17th , there are still 3 places to grab.

***UPDATE*** Friday 18th: 2 spots left

***FINAL UPDATE*** The programme is full.

Email me here if you are interested:

I am not usually one to brag but I do think these 6 weeks are going to be epic and awesome!

With much love, as always,


PS: here are the links to my 2 emails with more details about the course in case you missed them and would like to have a look:

Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Find your Voice and the Courage to use it’

I am so happy to announce that my 6 week online programme ‘Find your voice and the courage to use it – Your journey back from a fragmented self’ has now been birthed and will start on the 21 September 2020.

This programme’s purpose is to remind you that you are the co-creator of your life, that you have all it takes inside of you right now to live your wildest dreams and your best life. 

Sometimes it just takes that extra commitment to the journey in order to realise first hand that with love, dedication, patience and trust you can overcome any fear, barrier, limiting belief and step into the YOU you have come here to be and the life you have come here LIVE.

You do not have to be a victim of your past or a slave to outdated, broken strategies and burdens you have carried for far too long (whether from this life time, another lifetime or even through your ancestral lineage). If you have felt stuck, lost, heavy, you can choose NOW to take a step towards your new life, towards your authentic, vibrant self. 

This 6 week intensive programme is here to hold the space for you to safely shed, heal, explore, create and realign with your unique energy flow and frequency.

‘Finding Your Voice and the Courage to Use It’ is about retrieving, reclaiming, reconnecting with who you are, why you are here and finding the courage to fully actualise this in your everyday life.

It is not something to learn and put on a shelf, it is something to experience and carry on living.

I will be there to remind you how to tune into your body’s wisdom, your breath’s gift of healing, your soul’s calling, your heart’s desires, your voice’s power and playfulness. I will not give you a magic pill or try and fix you for I believe you need to walk your own path and you are not broken. I will guide you towards getting back to wholeness and to finding that state again, on your own, when you happen lose it. You do the work. I am merely here to hold the space.

Who is the programme for?

‘Finding your Voice’ is for anyone who has abandoned themselves and is wanting a safe and courageous space to take steps towards remembering, reconnecting, retrieving and reclaiming.

It is for anyone who is willing to show up, commit, do the work and implement the tools and findings in their life on a daily basis.

This is not a programme to acquire knowledge, it is a ‘hands on’ journey of exploration and integration of your heart, body, mind, soul and spirit. Your voice being a mirror, a channel, a bridge.

It is created to help you find peace and thrive.

For those who feel they haven’t had a voice.

For those who feel they have lost it.

For those who feel it was stolen from them.

For those who have a burning desire to express.

This is for you.

What do you have to say?

How would you use your voice if it didn’t feel stuck, blocked, too small, too loud?

How would you express yourself if you weren’t scared of being judged, ridiculed?

Which stories are you keeping buried inside that are eating you up?

Which stories are you playing over and over in your head that are keeping you stuck?

Which battlefield do you choose to raise your voice on? 

Which values do you resonate with and would like to defend?

How would you like your voice to be heard?

I am only opening up 8 spaces for this programme.

Contact me via email if you are interested or have any questions.

With much love always,


Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Letters from the Wound’ – Limited Edition Jewellery Collection

Kat and I had so much fun chatting and presenting our mini collection of jewellery last Sunday on some Facebook LIVES. It was so lovely to have people participate and share their experiences, stories and connection to jewellery, words, crystals and life.

We have a yummy offer for you valid until Sunday 16 August that Kat has named the ‘Book & Bling’ offer. I will put some photos below so you can get an idea of what it is. For example, one of Kat’s story rings is usually £35, with this offer you get a ring, the book and 3 cards with extracts from the book for £38

You will of course be able to get the bespoke pieces of jewellery until we reach the limited number for this collection – even when this particular offer has expired.

If you are interested or have any questions, you can either contact myself here or by email, or send a PM to Kat Half The Ocean.

We hope that you enjoy our creations and that you will treat yourself or someone you love to words that matter, heal and inspire.

Why not wear your favourite quote, mantra, affirmation?

Choose from the ones on the list above or your own favourite from the book.

We all need a little something special sometimes to be reminded of how beautiful and unique we are. What better way for that than to wear soulful and heartfelt poetry!!!

With much love as always,


PS: check out Kat’s other jewellery here: