Songs videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Was this Gold?’ – original song/video

I realize I haven’t shared this song and video here last month so here it is…. Hope you like it ;o)

I took these clips in France, India and Yorkshire – England and wove them together for this one! Recorded the song standing in the bathtub in order to get the mosaic behind me ;o)!!!

“Was this gold?
Was this a lie?
When you stole
Right from the devil’s eye
And you wept ’til the river went dry
And you slept ’til the fire grew too high
Was this gold?
Was this a lie?
When you sold
What was really mine
And I wept ’til the river went dry
And I slept ’til the fire grew too high
Did it satisfy your soul?
Did you reap what you had sowed?
I don’t care what they say
From today I’m living the nomadic way
Follow where my heart goes
Follow where soul grows
Follow where my dance flows
Follow, follow, follow
Was this gold?
Was this a lie?
When you stole
Right from the devil’s eye –

Emerging from the flames
As a true seeker with no name
Body, heart and spirit
I leap into the wild game




Songs videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘The Mountain’s Guest’ (original song/video)

There are times in your life when you feel you have so much to say and yet nothing to say – almost as if you had reached a bit more of the essence of what is and therefore have no words to describe it. I guess this illustrates in its own way the awesome and uncanny ambiguity of being a human being.

I have come to the conclusion that I am fiercely independent – with a twist! ;o) I love people but I love to spend time on my own. I cannot exist without the other but I cannot exist without myself, first and foremost.

I believe that ignoring our relationship with ourselves is the root of many ailments and destructive behaviours. While falling asleep to ourselves we seek something that can never be found outside ourselves and lose the connection to our own true nature, source, wisdom and guidance.

I am deeply grateful for the ability to be with myself without the need to escape. I am deeply grateful for the knowing that without attending my fire, my wounds,  my beating heart, I only seek outside myself what is so abundant inside; and that this invariably leads to feelings of lack and emptiness. I am deeply grateful for the unlimited gifts of life that present themselves in all shapes and forms.

From the joyful fountain of self acceptance and true reverence for life, there is nothing in the whole universe that can remain unexplored.

“I am the mountain, holy and free…”

And so are you ?

“I howled so loud

To break all these chains

I prayed and I vowed

To let go of the pain.

I feel you sister

Growing inside me

Together we shimmer

With the stars we are free.

’cause right in my chest

A mountain rests

Strong and holy

I’m forever her guest.

I am the mountain

Holy and free

Holy and free

Holy and free.”

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Songs videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Dancing in the Moonlight’ (Original song and video)

Post-flu hibernation. Writing, trying to sing without coughing ;o), weaving little videos I took recently into my new song. May we all dance in the moonlight.

“I’m dancing in the moonlight
I’m dancing in the sun
Whatever happened to that sweet song
Has it really been that long?
I’m dancing in the moonlight
I’m dancing in the sun
With our tune inside my head
It happened to come back
I reclaim it all
The wild, the uncertain
I reach out for more
I lift up the curtain
The veil is getting thin
Strong pulse under my skin
I stamp feet I dare
The ground’s fully aware
That I’ll be flying, flying
I’m dancing in the moonlight”

The full moon was taken in December in York, the fire clip in the south of France at a family Christmas gathering(they al thought I was completely mad videoing the fire!!!), the bird in India, the leaves in York, the candle at aa Diwali festival near Leeds. I love capturing life’s beauty and gifts and weaving them into my songs.

I do have a little channel, feel free to subscribe ?

Songs videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Memories in Disguise’ (original song & video)

Oops I have done it again!!! I have made a new video – Just because capturing life’s gifts and weaving them into my songs is what excites me at the moment.

What makes you feel alive? ?

I would love you to check it out❤️

“I close my eyes
Go deep inside
No place for lies
I wonder why
I miss you, still miss you
Perhaps I love myself a bit more when I’m with you
You didn’t break my heart
It happens to have a crack or two
You left in the morning sun
I’m left with no where to run to
No promises made or undone
No violent rage to cloud the sun
Our souls merged
In another life
Sweet memories emerge
This time round in disguise…”


Songs videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Enchant me’ (song & video)

This is a truly magical time of year – not because of the inevitable lead up to Christmas, not because of the mad rushing around, not because of the frantic present buying, not because of all the fun, parties, reunions and celebrations – and not even because of all the pretty lights.

This is a magical time of year because there is no other time that invites us with such persuasion and integrity to enter the womb of darkness, to visit,  journey and to embrace all that is found there – raw and unveiled.

This is a magical time of year because despite the unknown, the unresolved, the shadows, we are never left without our inner flame, our eternally devoted candle to explore and be.

This is a magical time of year because we are fully invited to shed layers, skins, barks, to let go of what no longer serves us and see our beautifully divine, mystical and earthly nature.

This is a magical time of year because we are invited to be who we are – just that – nothing more… BUT nothing less…

This is a magical time of year because we are invited TO  BE the MAGIC that we ARE.

Here is my little contribution to this journey: ‘Enchant me’- my latest song and video.

“It’s gone midnight, in this lonesome town
No one around, not a single sound
There on the ground
Right on the paving stones
My very soul battles with my bones.
I said, ‘soul, don’t fall that low’
She said, ‘no no no, I’m here to rise those bones’.
I said, ‘what has death been so?’
She said, ‘no no no, life’s here to rattle those bones…’
Enchant me with your smile
Enchant me with your grace
Enchant me in style
Let my heart race…
Someone’s holding the light up there
Someone really cares
So rattle those bones ’til the night gets scared
Rattle those bones ’til there’s no weight bare…
Dance with me right through the night
Dance with me ’til you feel alright
Dance with mean in this wild light
Dance with me …
Enchant me with your smile
Enchant me with your grace
Enchant me in style
Make my heart race”

Songs videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Hold The Space’ (Original song/video)

Being here is SHOWING UP.

Being here is a BIG YES to standing naked with dreams, visions, offerings  and also imperfections.

Being here is a CELEBRATION of all those “not quite right bits’; an ode to the scars, the wrinkles, the wonky, the crooked, the “not enough”, the “too much.” A welcoming, an allowing, an acceptance of ALL THAT IS.

Being here is the tear within the smile; the smile within the tear.

Being here is a DANCE to dreaming , believing, doing – and this, is spite of….

Being here is EMBRACING that very ‘ALL THAT IS’ – the magic, the beauty, the flow, the uncertainty, the change. A COMMUNION with ‘maybe’, with “perhaps’, with ‘I don’t know’.

Being here is a warm HUG to self, the universe and life itself.

Which one of your little imperfections will you welcome and love today? Which small daring step will you take in celebration of YOU and all that you are?

Here is mine today: Hold the Space (original song and video) ???

Songs videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Fragile Beauty’ (original song/video)

Fragile Beauty – Natacha Dauphin

For all those who have blessed our lives and passed away. For all those who are dealing with loss and grief. In honour of life, always. Life here on earth – and life beyond, in other realms. Trust and gratitude for the sacred cycles of life.

In the snow
Once beautiful
Do go

Precious beauty
Came to me
Fragile beauty
Let it be

Delicate petals
Flowers grow
Let them go

Precious beauty
Came to me
Fragile beauty
Let it be

Whisper my name
As softly as the rain
Kisses my tears
Never in vain

Butterfly wings
In majestic flow
Once conquering
Rest now – it is so

Precious beauty
Came to me
Fragile beauty
Let it be

Sacred body
With a magic glow
Once home to the soul
Ashes will now sow

Precious beauty
Came to me
Fragile beauty
Lifted me, lifted me, lifted me….”

Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

Ecrire des mots pour soulager les maux

Des drapeaux Tibétains, des prières s’envolant de “Wabun” sur la colline d’Aups, France.

Ecrire des mots pour soulager, transformer, soigner les maux.

Les horizons imperceptibles d’un ailleurs à la fois lointain et proche. Je m’agenouille pour mieux sentir la terre, pour mieux m’imprégner paisiblement de sa douceur, de sa force. Son appel insistant me pousse alors à m’allonger au creux de ses mains chaleureuses, au centre même de son cocon maternel. La Mère Terre, la Terre Mère – quelle majestueuse entité! Sans elle nous ne pouvons être.

Un silence pénétrant nourrit mon corps et mon esprit fatigués. Je ne suis autre que cet instant, que ce moment suspendu entre deux étoiles.

Les milliers de dialogues intérieurs et auparavant échangés s’évaporent avec la légèreté et l’évidence d’un présent libre.

Je suis ce que j’ai toujours été. Je suis ce que je n’ai jamais été. Au sein même de cette contradiction, de ce dilemme réside l’essence de mon être éternel et éphémère.

Je ferme les yeux. Je sens les émotions pénétrer la terre telles des gouttes de pluie tristes et joyeuses à la fois – libération d’un ciel lourd et renouveau d’une terre assoiffée et assouvie. Chaque ressenti effleure, embrasse et pénètre la terre avec humilité; puis y disparait sereinement.

La Mère Terre, elle, a appris à accueillir une émotion perdue, à lui rendre son intégrité, sa grâce en toute simplicité, sans questionnement ni jugement.

La mer et les reflets d’un autre monde, Bridlington, UK

Je respire profondément, sentant chaque millimètre de mon corps se donner à la terre, s’accorder petit à petit aux résonances et aux vibrations de l’univers – celles que l’on retrouve au plus profond de notre être, à l’épicentre de la terre tout comme à des milliers d’années lumière dans l’infinité des systèmes planétaires connus et inconnus.

Ma peau touche la terre sacrée. Nous sommes de nouveau un et même corps, une et même note.

A ce moment précis il n’y a de séparation entre l’esprit de la Terre et le mien, entre l’esprit de l’univers et le mien, entre l’esprit divin et le mien. Nous sommes UNE et même énergie.

Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

The Mind is Just a Scared Bunny

It is absolutely OK to feel. It is absolutely OK to express. It is absolutely OK to share.

The heart wants nothing more than to open, feel and embrace. The mind on the other hand spends much of its time freaking out and strategically planning our unnecessary rescue.

With all due respect to this amazing creature which is the mind, it can often act like an overly protective parent who inadvertently hinders the confidence of their child by trying to save their baby from the world.

When there is real danger our most sophisticated programmes kick in – which to be honest is a blessing and often a life saver. But do we really need to deploy our attack and defence forces when we are sitting on a sofa? Creating a vision? Walking towards our dreams? Having a conversation? Sharing our heart? Honouring our creativity? It is a bit mad, if we think about it, isn’t it?

OK – making coffee is essential, right? But do we tend to leave the machine running day and night, making coffee whether we are in or out – just in case? Even the most caffeine addicted would not do that. Pushing the ON button is essential when we want that coffee. But then we switch it OFF. As human beings we need to learn to de-programme, to know how to switch that button from ON to OFF and we need to be disciplined about it. There is no other way.

So thank you mind for all you do. But 90% of the time there is no problem to solve and we do not need protecting or rescuing. Rest, sweet mind while we explore!

The mind is just a scared bunny…. It finds the light threatening. Perhaps it thinks we are going to disappear into the sun if we shine too bright.

Perhaps it believes we are going to be in danger if we allow, are and act from a place of centred heart energy. Perhaps it fears we will fall apart if we feel and live a life fuelled by intuition, love and abundance. We do not have to take on these distorted beliefs. Instead let’s go back to source and listen to the light and wisdom within.

Why is it that we human beings either shut down, suppress or judge and punish ourselves for feeling, sensing? How crazy is that – really – if you think about it…? What is, just is; isn’t it? I am not talking about blindly tolerating the atrocities which are going on in the world and on this planet but about really seeing, observing and being true to one’s inner landscape.

Shouldn’t our effort and energy be put into aligning ourselves with what is? Into becoming more aware and awake so that we are no longer the slaves of some delusional reality? So that instead of walking blind and fooling ourselves we really see and grow into the beautiful uniqueness that we have been given and are?

Retuning ourselves so that integrity is at the core of our actions; so that rather than letting a disguised need to fix our lack of self worth take the reigns and inevitably destroy our life and those of others, we step into our own power and dignity with love; so that flattery of the ego is not a road we would ever consider again.

So that inner peace can eventually reign over our demons.

With the blessings of the New Moon, may we surrender with grace, let go of what is no longer serving us and set some heart centred, soul fuelled intentions.


Songs videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

Let’s All Dance… (+original song and video)

There is joy in each moment. There is sadness in each moment. There is peace in each moment. All is well. All is at it should be. There is no ounce of resignation in acceptance. Acceptance enables being, living, creating and knowing when to take action.

When we come back to our breath, fully, we enter the magic realm of gratitude for this very gift. All is well within THIS breath. No worry, no danger, no threat.

Writing, painting, singing, expressing are bridges, rainbows, means of acknowledging what is, what comes up and what needs to dance before it can rest. If emotions are energy in motion then let’s all dance in whatever way frees our being from the bondage of the mind.

Here I share with you ‘The Reign of the Night’ – because sometimes an experience and the feelings attached to it replay themselves over and over again until we are able to accept and let go…?

“I follow the thread of the story
But it goes backwards I’m so sorry
It makes you bleed
Each time I feed this hungry beast
A new seed gets buried too deep
That I can see,
Too clearly…”