So here I am, having set up this blog and writing my first post – knowing nothing about computers, having owned one for less than a year and usually writing with a felt pen, in a yummy, colourful notebook !!!
I woke up last Monday with the absolute certainty that I needed to start a blog and create a lush space to share with you and show the universe my commitment to walking and living an authentic, inspired and creative journey and life.
There is no right or wrong way when it comes to HONOURING YOUR CREATIVE FIRE.
The fear, the shame of mistakes and imperfections cannot win when one’s heart, soul and body are in agreement with celebrating the authentic you and the divine gifts of life and inspiration. This does not mean that the path is always easy; there will be inner battles, you will doubt, fall and sometimes feel completely empty. This will happen and it is OK.
I have no idea how I managed to set up this blog, apart from googling, finding helpful information and the sheer trust that there was no way out and that it just had to be done- for reasons beyond my conscious knowing! This is proof that anything is possible!!!
If there is one thing that seems to repeatedly prove itself true and essential, it is the importance of noticing and embracing these little flying moments of grace. These moments when your intuition catches onto something magical and dances with such enthusiasm and excitement that your whole being wakes up in ecstasy. This is what you should never ignore, never suppress and never allow anyone else to shoot down. If there is any part of you longing to allow your inner flame to grow and shine, this is what you should surrender to and commit to following even if you have no idea why or how – especially if your gremlins pop out and start their little chorus of ‘but, no, you can’t possibly, you’ll never…’ 😉 Just sing or scream louder!
Allow yourself to be a POET OF LIFE in whatever way your being hears this and chooses to express it. YOUR CREATIVE FIRE is ALWAYS there within you; even when it has gone silent and dim.
Know that, keep repeating it to yourself until you start believing it. Trust me, your creative fire NEVER leaves you. It is just waiting for you to take a step, however small this step might be.
Take it NOW.
2 replies on “Poet of Life”
Just beautiful. So excited you have taken this step…?
Awwwww ?thank you so much gorgeous creature ?