videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

Finding HOME amongst the chaos ✯

As the energies are reaching some very intense peaks at the moment, many hearts are hurting, minds are confused, spirits are low and bodies tired. There is so much to say and yet no words seem to grasp the essence and mysteries of what is really going on around the world and even in the universe.

We have been in lockdown for quite a while now. This is giving us the opportunity to tune in, redefine, reassess, reprioritise. It is also bringing forward a lot of questions and uncertainties regarding how we can transition into a safe space for all and also, how we can move towards a healthier and more harmonious way of being and living.

There is no going back. And yet how do we reenter the world with more integrity, respect and humility than we had before? How can we move with more grace, courage and an open heart?

Each person needs to find their own way of standing up for their beliefs, for justice, for a fairer world.

Racist behaviour is not OK. And… shaming others for the way they respond to these events is not OK either. There is a need for personal responsibility that is undeniable but going into division over this is the exact opposite of the medicine we need at the moment.

Blaming has never healed anything, just as responding to violence by more violence is a lost cause.

If we could all stand strong in our integrity, with fierce values, then we may find harmonious ways of rebuilding the beautiful rainbow we were created to make up together. This will not happen by pointing fingers and believing that our way of fighting, dealing with, standing up for, is better than someone else’s. We must speak up, fully embody the warrior we are meant to be and let others find their way, their fight, their battlefield.

Someone else’s battlefield may look very different from yours. This does not mean that they are not fighting the same demons for the same values as you are.

Make a wish for Mother Earth and all living beings…

Fear is growing, without an inch of doubt. We, as a human species, are facing one of the biggest challenges of all times: to either give in to fear or to rise with love. This may seem airy fairy. Yet, I know with my whole heart that the choice we make in this regard is of crucial importance.

Do we want to live in fear or do we want to live in love?

How do we proceed when there are so many strong contradictions, conflicting opinions and distorted bits of information out there?

By going inward first.

By learning to be quiet enough to hear our heart’s whispers and soul’s guidance.

Tuning back in, just like an old radio that needs fine adjustments to be heard clearly.

We are all heavily bombarded with information and stimuli of all types. Our minds are saturated. They need decluttering and spring cleans on a regular basis in order to function. YOU are the only one who can do this for yourself. Yes, you can get help, but you must take responsibility and be disciplined about this.

Practise and commit.

Show up for yourself first. This will allow you to show up for others and the world with no hidden agenda or bypassing.

I strongly believe that the biggest disease of our time is:


disconnection from self,

disconnection from the earth,

disconnection from spirit and,

disconnection from our fellow beings.

Disconnection is without doubt the root of most harmful decisions


destructive behaviours.

We can all start by reconnecting with and to ourselves.

This is the foundation.

What do we need to unlearn in order to remember the connection we’ve been carrying within ourselves from way before birth? How do we need to listen to find the door to our own wisdom?

Isn’t it ironic that we are in a situation in which we are of having to social distance. No cozy meetings, no touch, no hugs, nothing… when the need to build connection is the greatest it’s ever been.

We must, more than ever, start honouring the life within and around us, work and commit to being present in this moment.

Again, this may seem cliché; but NOW, is the only time that really exists, it is the only time in which you can take action, step into who you truly are and what you have come here for.

Pay attention.

Stay awake.

Use your senses.

Find joy in small things.

There is always an invitation to enter the realm of magic with gratitude and reverence for life .

Your soul does not call you yesterday or tomorrow.

It only connects and converses with you in THIS very moment.

You are alive in this very moment, not yesterday nor tomorrow.

What truly matters to you?

Start being ruthlessly honest with yourself.

What makes you feel alive?

Do the inner work.

Be gentle and bold.

Be mindful and focused.

There is no time to lose.

I made a little video of me reading an extract from my book ‘Letters from the Wound’ for an online Literature Festival during lockdown, with some original footage from various places I have been and love. I hope it will help you come back home ? (click on video to watch)

Link to the Festival’s website:

PS: All photos in this post were taken in York. (no filter)

PS 2: You can find my book on Amazon worldwide. Links in my little shop section. If for some reason you would prefer to get one directly for me, just send me a message.

PS 3: If you have resonated with this and are not a subscriber, please do feel free to join the tribe. There is a little subscribe button on this page.

With much love always, Natacha ??❤️???

Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Je pars’-original song and video

Vidéo créée, chanson écrite, composée et interpétée par Natacha Dauphin en hommage à Patrick Bagarry qui nous a tragiquement quittés il y a un an.
Il y a des personnes comme ça qui touchent des milliers de vies sans s’en rendre compte, qui amènent du soleil sans s’en rendre compte. Patrick était une de ces personnes.
Et malgré le fait que je n’habite plus à Aups, j’ai grandi avec la présence de Patrick partout dans le village.
Pour tous ceux qui ont eu la chance de croiser son chemin, il est parti bien trop tôt.
Par cette chanson je lui envoie tout mon amour, ainsi qu’à sa famille.
On a tous différentes façons de gérer le deuil et toutes les émotions qui s’y rattachent. Moi j’écris des chansons….

“Je pars
Dans le silence
Je pars
Sans révérence
Je pars
Vers l’innocence
Je pars
Si la vie m’entend
Je voudrais lui dire
Prend soin de mes enfants
Prend soin de mes parents
Tous vos hurlements
Qui me viennent
Portés par le vent
Qui m’entraine
Maintenant c’est votre peine que je ressens
Elle est dans vos coeurs
Dans vos veines
Cette douleur
Comme un anathème
Je veux la prendre
Et jamais vous la rendre
Et vos larmes
Belles, fragiles, vulnérables
Vos seules armes
Face à un monde cruel
Un vide hostile
J’aurais voulu être plus
J’aurais voulu ne pas être
Celui qui fait naître
Tant de larmes
Tous vos hurlements
Qui me viennent
Portés par le vent
Qui m’entraine
Maintenant c’est votre peine que je ressens
Elle est dans vos coeurs
Dans vos veines
Cette douleur
Comme un anathème
Je veux la prendre
Et jamais vous la rendre
Que comme mes cendres
Elle se disperse
Qu’au lieu d’attendre
Elle disparaisse
Et ne laisse
qu’une trace d’amour”

Songs videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘The Echoes of Stars’-original song/video

Dear friends,

Following my previous post, I have needed to retreat in my cave and tune into all the grief and losses I have experienced this last year so that I could truly witness, acknowledge and honour the feelings with an open heart and find a way of moving forward.

So yes I have felt deeply and it was overwhelming at times. However, this process has allowed me to tap into even more gratitude for what is and more awe for the life that has been given to me. To feel loss means we have connected deeply. To accept what cannot be changed means we are neither fighting ourselves or the universe – which is such extremely liberating, to say the least !

So here in my cave, there were moments of inertia and feelings of drowning but also moments of revelation and light.

Today I want to share my song ‘The Echoes of Stars’ that I posted a couple weeks ago on my youtube channel. I had so much fun making this video. I hope you enjoy to too.

“Come and dance with me
Swirl, fire burn,
Echoes of dreams calling, calling, calling
Fields of gold growing
Then the dance…

Trust the space inside
Swirl, fire burn
Echoes of stars falling, falling , falling
Fields of gold glowing
Then the dance…

Melt the fences defences
Swirl, fire burn
Echoes of freedom soaring, soaring, soaring
Fields of gold flowing
Then the dance…”

So will you come and dance with me?….

Songs videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Flow, Feel, Fly’ – original song video & more!


I survived my first official dislike on youtube! Hurray !!!

And you know what, it wasn’t that bad. It was quite funny actually to observe myself and see how my brain was trying to make sense of this small ‘INconvenience’!

Going through the full spectrum of thoughts in just a few seconds:

-Shock : ‘Oh NOOOO someone must really hate my song and video so much that they go to the trouble of pushing the dislike button…”

-Self criticism: “You must be shit at this Natacha, definitely not good enough… Who do you think you are posting stuff on here?” Etc…

-Disbelief/attempt to feel OK about it: “Hang on a minute, someone must have pushed that dislike button by mistake while trying to push the like button on the small screen of their phone. That would explain it.”

-Looking for whys: “They probably have issues, childhood traumas blablabla…”

But really… what it comes down to is: Someone just didn’t like what I created. And so what!?

I am relieved I could genuinely witness myself and laugh at the whole thing. I now know at a deeper level that fear will not stop me from showing up and that I will never compromise on being myself no matter what people think – which you have to admit is a pretty big revelation for such a small ‘thumb down’?

This gives me hope and wings for the future. The truth is, when you put yourself out there, you are going to push people’s buttons, you are going to be disliked. And that is totally fine.

I am happy that the reasons why you would go and judge someone else’s creation with negativity are beyond me and that I would rather put my energy into creating something, supporting someone’s gifts than putting someone else’s offerings down. Unfortunately there is a lot of this destructive kind of behaviour (to much bigger degrees) in this world.  Because let’s face it, as people, we can be a bit screwed up.

But what I do know is that there are more kind, caring, supportive people than the ones who will spend their time judging and criticising your brave creative input in this world.

So here is THE song video.

You can read the lyrics and more about the song and video once you click on it – and see the text below the video on youtube ;o)

What are you going to put out into this wild world today?

With much love, as always

You can subscribe to my youtube channel here: ?