They carry on their journey as if they were kings and queens ruling the world – and yet there is nothing royal or noble about them. They simply live absorbed in themselves and prisoners of their own created image and cage.
The mist can be thick, the fog suffocating and yet the piercing eyes of the heart will break through any illusion, any “twisted reality”.
I invite you to look beyond the veil – both within and around you.
Notice what emerges, what just is. Resist the temptation to grip, to judge, to fix. Simply allow the dance of all that is to find its own rhythm, its own flow. Allow yourself to be blessed by the power of movement and the grace of stillness.
I invite you to enter your sacred temple of darkness and light. It is filled with colours.
Yes darkness and light share the same house and have made it a rainbow HOME. They are not at war; they have never been. They are simply in love.
Start putting an end to the wars inside you by no longer supplying the weapons… Breathe, feel the ecstasy of full presence and openness in this very moment. It all starts here, now.
Rise from the truth of your being into the sacred flame of the universe.
You are made of magic. Truly.
“Turn down the light
Switch off the radio,
Give up the fight,
Soften, surrender, let go
Twisted reality
Finding new ways to be
Amongst the flowers
Amongst the weeds
Amongst the wasted seeds
My fire burns on
Stronger today
Winds in my sails
Twisted reality
Finding new ways to be
Amongst the flowers
Amongst the weeds
Amongst the wasted seeds
My fire burns on
Stronger today
Winds in my sails
That dreadful morning
When all grew still and quiet
I should have given up
Instead I chose to rise
Between the shadows
Between what’s left and gone
I could have given up
Instead I chose to rise
Twisted reality
Finding new ways to be
Amongst the flowers
Amongst the weeds
Amongst the wasted seeds
My fire burns on
Stronger today
Winds in my sails”
2 replies on “‘Twisted Reality’ – Original song/video”
Love the video, and the song is growing on me – Lx
Haha thanks Louis. Your comment made me laugh ;o)